The Enemy of My Enemy

Well, isn’t this exciting, a friend of mine encouraged me to sit and write a political blog.  I’ve tried a blog before but failed, my life is too boring. But I’ve been ranting about politics and writing political threads at a lightly trafficked third rate fantasy football site for eighteen years, mostly bitter and disillusioned ones but this first entry finds me giddy.

Bush Attends Veterans Day Event At Intrepid Museum

Over the years, most of the venom I’ve written has been directed at the George W. Bush wing of the Republican Party. Tomorrow, Donald Trump should win Florida eliminating the last of these Bushtards (Marc-go Rubio) that irritate me so much from consideration for the Republican Party. Meanwhile my preferred candidate, John Kasich, if he should win Ohio, would press on with his ultimate longshot uphill climb towards the nomination. It seems that whenever the music stops that Kasich is always the last one to find a chair. His candle has always been on the brink of being blown out but he’s outlasted all the other governors and hopefully we’ll see one of the Cuban-American senators drop out soon. Maybe then, finally, at this late stage, Kasich can consolidate the anti-Cruz/Trump people and make some noise.

While in my youth, I’d use to be a Republican, I have never been a Democrat. Even so, after voting for Ross Perot twice, I’ve supported the Democrats in four straight elections and if Rubio somehow comes back to life, it’ll be five. Before that, in 1988, I supported George H.W. Bush but was too young to vote. 2016 likely will be my first time as an adult to prefer the Republican nominee for president even if that happens to be the horribly uncouth Donald Trump.

GOP 2016 New Hampshire
Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio, speaks at the Republican Leadership Summit Saturday, April 18, 2015, in Nashua, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

I like Kasich because I remember him clearly from the 90s. Since the federal budget deficit has been the main motivational issue of my political obsession since the beginning, the heroes of those bruising negotiations and shutdowns in the 90s that led to a balanced budget are well known to me. Kasich needed no introduction. I was hot for him from the start. The same could be said for John Chafee, Jim Webb, and Rand Paul but their campaigns went nowhere. Kasich always had the least horrible odds of winning, and they’re still horrible, just slightly less horrible than at any other time (assuming he wins Ohio and polls indicate he will).

So that as me giddy.

The other thing that has me giddy is Donald Trump. Now, I’m not a fan although I suspect I’ll have to be a supporter soon enough. I’ve certainly been enjoying the show and cheering him on this whole time. Watching him administer his atomic wedgies onto Jeb! and others and get the well-connected political class aflutter with hatred has made for great theater.  I’ve come to hate the modern Republican Party. Between the neocons, the tax-cut addicts, the math-impared deficit growers, the climate denialists, opponents of process reform and the opaque/corrupt big money special interests, they’ve alienated me in the extreme.

Donald Trump is something different, the enemy of my enemy. He’s a loud, rude, and unseemly nacisissist. He doesn’t have a firm grasp on policy and seems to be making it all up as he goes. But while his rhetoric goes to the extreme, at least it goes in the direction that I want it to go into. The details will have to be put on hold and get ironed out later. He’s a terrible messager and has a host of other problems, but he’s a middle finger to the GOP establishment and a wrecking ball to the status quo, the K-Street lobbyists, the access seekers, the functionaries, and assorted leeches. So I like that.

It could be worse. It could be Rubio or Hillary Clinton. Then again, it could be John Kasich which, until he’s officially out of the picture, remains the direction that I’d like to go in.

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